The novel corona virus identified as Covid-19 disease has affected the education sector in the end of the 2019. The diseases have give the major impact to the education sector especially to the students and educators. The students need to sacrifice to adapt with the new norms which is to continue as a online learning (E-Learning) instead of the face to face. This disease has a direct impact on the educational system such as institutional, informal, and non-formal education closed face-to-face learning progress and go about online learning. The main objective for this research paper is to analyse the challenges and response from the students during online learning. This research has been given to the 40 students of Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM) which in the cohort/batch of DME 41 and DNS 27. The results of this research has been explain most of the students faced the challenges of connectivity issues and distractions from the family members. The challenges significantly impact their studies, where the students find it difficult to focus in class. Based on the data, ALAM students feel the average understanding of overall online learning. Some of them immensely enjoyed online learning.